for Project Imbaseni can be made by check, credit card or
Paypal to the Bricks and Books Foundation for Learning in Tanzania, a 501c3 non-profit
Mailing address for donation by check: P.O. Box 40622, Washington, DC 20016 (Please make your check to the Bricks+Books = Foundation for Learning in Tanzania and write "Project Imbaseni" in the memo section of the check)
Online donation: (Please specify "Project Imbaseni" at the description section of the Paypal page)
Your donation will be used to:
Build new classrooms, which will allow all students at Imbaseni Primary be able to attend class indoors and which will reduce the number of students per classroom from up to 160 to around 40, the national average in Tanzania. The cost of each classroom, including desks and chairs is approximately $18,000.
Build additional toilets to relieve the current 60 student to 1 toilet ratio. The cost for each toilet is approximately $12,000.
Buy additional textbooks so that each student can have his/her own textbook instead of sharing it with 5-6 classmates. The cost for each textbook is approximately $5.
Install solar panels in the classrooms and the teacher's office so that there is electricity on site.
Establish a fund to support students with strong academic performance who are unable to afford the secondary school fees, and otherwise, would not be able to continue their education.
Help with basic infrastructure investment and marketing for Imbaseni's cultural tourism programs
Support other necessary infrastructure or facilities
improvement projects at Imbaseni Primary (i.e. kitchen, staff house, sports
Help develop vocational training classes for the community and students who do not have the opportunity to attend secondary school.
© 2009 Project Imbaseni