To support Imbaseni, you can shop at the following on-line stores where a percentage of your purchase price will be donated to this worthy cause.
Inc. is a business based in California
that develops and markets life-style changing, environmental friendly products
made from recycled materials. The founder of Ecozuri visited Imbaseni
on her recent trip to Tanzania and was determined to help.
Ecozuri has pledged to donate 10% of its on-line retail revenue to the Imbaseni Project and will provide pro bono consulting services to
assist their self-sufficiency operations.
up for our affiliated program with Amazonassociates where
4%-6% of your purchase price will be donated to Project Imbaseni when you shop at
Amazon. You just doing what you normally do, but this time, Imbaseni
Primary benefits too.
More to come ...
© 2009 Project Imbaseni